Devotional by: Araliz Cuthbertson

Life can have a funny way of teaching you things . Even Job a man who was blameless in God’s eyes suffered. If someone who was blameless could be tried and tested why couldn’t someone like you and I who fail God every day not be ? There has to come a point in your walk with God in which you just trust him . You may have lost your job , but he’s still faithful . You may be dealing with fertility issues , but he will make a way . Your loved one may be taking their last breath , but he is still sovereign . His ways are truly higher than ours and if we ever were to know his plan it would boggle our minds .In your season of testing or hurt I encourage you wait and take heart in the Lord.

Just a few months ago I married my very best friend and we moved into our first home that very same day . I remember waking up that day feeling unworthy of the title I was about to receive for just a year before that I was a mess living in a mess of a situation . But then it dawned on me ! Why would I discredit the blood that was shed for me on Calvary ? It made me clean as wool , and perfect in his sight . “For if any man is in me he is a NEW creature , old things have PASSED…” 2 Corinthians 5:17 said it best ! I want to encourage you to fully rely on God and fully submit to his will. Wait on the lord for he always has a plan . All the hurt , all the tears , the desperation .He is still yet working. Before we were even in our mothers womb , he had a plan . In a society where we tend to look around and compare ourselves to other it’s easy to lose sight of how deep that truly is .Even

before I had a name , he knew me. Let it sink in. He loves you .

Meditation :

I thank God today for restoration . For a completely new heart . He’s able to exceedingly , abundantly , above all you could ever ask for . It’s doesn’t require perfection , just a willingness to walk with him . Today I challenge you , put on your whole armor . And keep fighting he’s up to something . And it will be completely worth it 💙