The Eye of the Storm By Clarissa Ortíz

The eye of the storm. It is said to be the calmest part of a hurricane or other natural disaster. An area, which is right in the midst of all of the calamity, but is yet to be effected.  We can compare this natural phenomenon to what we experience in our spirits. For instance, have you ever felt like you were surrounded on all sides by troubles, hardships, etc.? Or maybe it seemed like you were okay, but your whole family was going through some difficult times. It is moments like these that we find ourselves in the eye of the storm. Whilst in it, we have no other choice but to make an imperative decision.  We can trust God and with His help, face the storm or we can wave our white flag and surrender in defeat. If we choose the first option, we are guaranteed the victory in Christ. It certainly won’t be easy, but like a lotus, we will grow in what appears to be an inhabitable environment. If we decide to choose the second option, we are destined to fail. The absence of perseverance- or, the will to go on is in the presence of failure. The presence of failure denotes the absence of faith. In other words, you can’t have faith and fail. Maybe things may not go your way, but you are only a failure when you quit trying. Family, you may feel like your world is tumbling down and like nothing is going the way you had planned. Maybe God is testing your faith like He did with Job. Job lost almost everything that this we consider to be important (wealth, children, etc.), but he gained double for his trouble in the end. Don’t quit! Don’t let the enemy steal your joy! You have come too far to quit now. We sing all of these beautiful songs in church, but do we really understand the lyrics? Do we really believe that ‘He’s able’ or that ‘He sacrificed His life so we could be free and whole”? If so, we should be excited. We should have an expectant spirit and faith to go along with it.

Know who your Anchor is when in the eye of the storm. The waves will come, the winds will cause you to sway, but it will not defeat you. It may knock you down, but it won’t knock you out. Overall, do you want to a survivor or a fatality? A winner or a loser? A storm chaser or a victim? The choice is yours.