Jar of Keys by Clarissa Ortiz

imageI believe that in life, we are presented with many doors (in this case, they represent opportunities) and keys (which represent that which grants us access to these opportunities). God gives each of us a different set of keys. He has presented me with many keys ,one of them being the ability to speak multiple languages (English, Spanish, French, and Italian).For the longest time, I felt under-qualified. I felt as if my keys or gifts weren’t good enough. I was under the impression that my Spanish wasn’t good enough because my family would always interpret it for me when my Spanish-speaking family would visit. Although they meant well, it made me feel inferior. I was always so self-conscious about my Spanish because I believed that what they thought of my Spanish was true. Recently, God has blessed me with the opportunity to be my Spanish professor’s assistant. He has also blessed me with awards in French and Italian. It’s almost as if He said, “Clarissa, people say that your Spanish is inferior, but what do I say? I say that you are well able”. You see, God has given me these gifts so that I may use them to reach people that He has called me to reach. It isn’t my job to measure my ability based on the opinions of others. I have to trust God’s report because He isn’t a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). I have said all of this to say that if God says you are able, it is because He has enabled you.
Maybe one of your keys is your voice which God will use to reach the hearts of the people of your generation. Perhaps one of your keys is your willingness to serve your church or another community. Your keys could be talents, people who God strategically places in your path, etc. These keys could potentially unlock doors of supreme importance that lead you to fulfillment of purpose.
Although we are presented with these keys, it is our job to put them to use. God isn’t going to come down off of His throne to put the key in the keyhole and turn the doorknob.
He’s a gentleman who loves us so much that He gives us a choice. We can either choose to enter the doors that lead us to life or those which lead us to destructive paths that will eventually result in death.
In conclusion, think about what you are doing with your keys. Do you look at your jar of keys apprehensively and think that they’re no good because of what people say? They may say that you have no right to go through certain doors or that your keys aren’t good enough. However, Jesus died and rose again so that you may live life abundantly (John 10:10). Additionally, Don’t compare your keys to someone else’s. If you needed what s/he has, God would have given it to you. Use the keys that you have been given.

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